You have been hearing from us about our new Facebook City Group Pages for the Palm Springs area. Palm Springs: Love of the Desert (http://www.bit.ly/apOwQN) is accompanied by Facebook Groups for its sister cities, searchable slightly differently as "Love of the Desert: (City Name) for Cathedral City, Rancho Mirage, Palm Desert, Indian Wells, La Quinta and Indio.
As you know, we are in the process of inviting local residents to be video interviewed (3 minute segments) and featured on our "Love of the Desert TV" channel, distributed to many Internet video outlets, including You Tube, Vimeo, Viddler and Daily Motion, among others. Please contact us at love@palmspringsgreathomes.com if you are a local entrepreneur, business owner, professional or just plain interesting.
You've also heard us talking a lot lately about our inclusion of http://www.foursquare.com/ in our Facebook City Groups. Have a look at this article by Clement Yeung published by Social Media Examiner on March 16, 2010. Geo-tagging is a very effective way to drive traffic to business. Foursquare has combined geo-tagging in a very compelling game application that provides rewards from businesses to the business clientele. And friends can check in from locations and report on the peeps, menu, action, etc. The customer also enjoys making her discovery of the business public and becoming the "Mayor" or other leading friend, which in turn can be parlayed to more recognition.
For more information and to discuss scheduling an interview, please contact us: love@palmspringsgreathomes.com